El balance de Cvijus (Belgrade 2.0) sobre los 7 años de democracia Serbia
Al fin una reflexión interesante sobre el 5 de octubre serbio . Cvijus ofrece un sincera y emotiva mirada sobre los avances y deudas de la joven democracia serbia.
Pone en perspectiva estos 7 años y analiza los difíciles avances y muchas tareas pendientes que quedan por delante. Lo importante es que lo hace con un valioso optimismo y con mirada de futuro.
Enumera una serie de pequeñas grandes transformaciones de la sociedad que a veces no se valoran justamente.
Serbia tiene una gran frustración y ésta tiene que ver con las altas expectativas que generó la revolución de octubre. Es comprensible ese sentimiento, pero se requiere de una dosis de frialdad para ver la película en perspectiva. Fueron 50 años de comunismo, 11 de dictadura y 9 de guerras. 7 años de democracia no pueden cambiar mágicamente un pasado tan cargado y complejo.
El optimismo es un bien muy escaso en la Serbia post Milosevic y es comprensible. Pero mirado en perspectiva hay cambios significativos que no se pueden obviar. Por eso son tan importante voces como la de Cvijus en estos tiempos de resaca.
However, seven years after this bright event of the Serbian history and positive Serbian national solidarity, there appears to exist certain scepticism as to whether the revolution was good enough and whether Serbia is truly a democratic society in the real sense of the meaning.
Serbian society is still divided into two Serbias, one being a so-called progressive and another being called by the first one as a highly nationalist
The frustration that is caused by by the disapointment of the high expectations have resulted into the rise of extremism on many sides which, by itself resulted with the fact that the political scene resembles a scenery of paranoia, primitivism, maliciousness and hypocrisy.
Nevertheless, the changes that those who were in front of the Assembly seven years ago wished cannot come immediately. Sixty years of the communist dictatorship and eleven years milosevicism have resulted that the minds of the citizens don’t have any real idea of what democracy trully is, but have rather vague perceptions. The wished changes will not lots of time and hard work to occur in the next two or three generations.
But finally, the glorious day of the 5th of October 2000 have shown that the majority has learned to protect its democratic rights and the notion to solidary coexist in diversity. Don’t forget that the revolution was carried out by democrats, communists and nationalists together against an authoritarian nepotist. Let us learn from the revolution
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